Discover the Benefits of Scar Tissue Release

Discover the Benefits of Scar Tissue Release

MSTR® is a technique used to release scar tissue. Scars can have physical, emotional, and psychological effects on an individual. For example, C-section scars can result in long-term psychological and emotional reactions such as anger, fear, anxiety, shock, guilt, failure, trauma, low self-esteem and sense of worthlessness. When the physical attributes of the scar change through treatment, the emotional and psychological effects can also improve. Post-operative physical effects of C-section scars may include dyspareunia (painful intercourse), back pain, abdominal pain, a feeling of “disconnection’ between the lower and upper body, restriction and pain upon flexion and extension of the spine.  These physical effects can improve or even be eliminated due to successful treatment of scar tissue.

scar mstr